Creating And Analysing A Citizens' Parliament: Exploring The Public's Deliberative Capacity
John Dryzek, Lyn Carson, Simon Niemeyer, Janette Hartz-Karp, Ian Marsh, Luca Belgiorno-Nettis, Luisa Batalha, Nicole Curato

Funded through Linkage Project (LP0882714) ($291,575), the Project Team includes:
John Dryzek, Chief Investigator
Lyn Carson, Chief Investigator
Simon Niemeyer, Chief Investigator
Janette Hartz-Karp, Chief Investigator
Ian Marsh, Chief Investigator
Luca Belgiorno-Nettis, Partner Investigator
Luisa Batalha, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Nicole Curato, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Project Webpage
Project Description
The pioneering Australian Citizens’ Parliament was held in February 2009 in Old Parliament House, Canberra. The participants were 150 ordinary Australians, selected by stratified random sampling, one from each federal electoral district. They deliberated the question ‘How can Australia’s political system be strengthened to serve us better?’ The project generated a mountain of quantitative and qualitative data which is now being analysed.
You can find out more by viewing the informational video of the process.